Jessica is a senior psychologist in the City of Edmonton, with over a decade of experience providing care, counselling and solutions for her clients.
She has been invited to conduct numerous presentations with different organizations to promote mental health awareness, healthy relationships, sexual education, sexual health, sexual diversity and inclusion and has also been a guest speaker on various radio programs, and podcasts.
She is also a highly sought after supervisor, and provides supervision and consultation to many professionals working in this field.
Growing up on a farm and working in the oilfield before coming to psychology gives Jessica the authentic life experience THAT HER CLIENTS APPRECIATE. It is not just textbook regurgitation, which makes her approachable and easy to talk to.
She learned many life lessons and life philosophies on the farm that have influenced how she views the world, interacts with people, and works as a professional. She believes in a clear, direct, no-nonsense approach to life, life’s challenges, and when working with clients. Yet, she also understands the power of humour and believes that counselling can be fun. It is her primary goal for her clients to get well and be happy. She also believes that laughter is part of the solution.
Jessica treats clients with the same compassion, kindness, fairness, direction, and openness that she would desire from any other professional or tradesperson: This is the problem, here are the different ways that it can be fixed, these are the pros and cons, select an option and fix it. When clients are asked to describe her approach, “Direct”, “Sincere”, “Humorous” and “Compassionate” are often the words that are used.
Counselling is a team effort, and like any team, it works best working together. One learns to work hard, growing up on the farm, and she invites her clients to work hard together with her on the issues because working together, she truly believes there is nothing that cannot be overcome, achieved or changed into a positive direction.
She completed her undergraduate in a Bachelor of Arts (honours) at MacEwan University, where she completed her first study in Human Sexuality. She was then afforded the opportunity to pursue and advance her research into Human Sexuality while completing her Masters of Education in Counselling Psychology at the University of Alberta in 2014.
Chemical Engineering Technology – NAIT
Bachelor of Arts (honours) – MacEwan University
Masters of Education in Counselling Psychology – University of Alberta, 2014
The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others.
Erik Erikson