Registered Provisional Psychologist
Do you ever feel like anxiety and stress are your constant companions, invading your thoughts, even at the most inconvenient of times? Perhaps you’re worried about the impact these concerns may have on your relationships, self-criticisms or day-to-day enjoyment. You’ve likely explored various avenues to find relief, and it takes great vulnerability to seek an external resource – which brings you here today. If this sounds familiar, please know that I have related to the weight of these challenges, and I’m here to support you in improving your relationships, self-esteem, and overall well-being.
Andreea is Available:
Monday: 2pm – 7pm Tuesday: 2pm – 7pm Saturday: 10am – 2pm
Registered Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist
Jessica Blake is a Registered Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist in Edmonton, Alberta.
She believes in a clear, direct, no-nonsense approach to life, life’s challenges, and when working with clients. Yet, she also understands the power of humour and believes that counseling can be fun.
Jessica’s clinic days are:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Call for availability
Registered Provisional Psychologist
Kassie joins the team specializing in children and youth. Kassie comes with a wealth of knowledge from her extensive history working with children and youth. From running summer camps to being a longstanding volunteer Girl Guide leader, Kassie has experienced supporting children and youth while building resiliency and confidence.
Kassie is Available:
Tuesday: 2pm – 7pm Saturday: 10am – 2pm
Student Clinician
Shillon is a dynamic and enthusiastic student clinician with an abundance of diverse professional and personal life experiences.
From working her way up and through the oil and gas industry as a laborer to an executive, Shillon understands the rewards of hard work, tenacity and persistence. Being a mature student with a multi- faceted background, Shillon easily connects with many different types of people. She creates an environment for healing that is warm, non-judgemental, and accepting.
Shillon is Currently on Sabbatical
Registered Psychologist
Taylor is an outstanding Registered Psychologist, with a highly keen sense of intuition, and an indomitable energy for helping others, including: Individuals, Couples, & Families.
Taylor is Available:
Monday: 4pm – 8pm Tuesday: 2pm – 7pm Wednesday: 2pm – 7pm
Office Manager
Kim has an outstanding professional career working with client sensitive care, management, and business. She has been the office manager for different “client centred health orientated” businesses and services, and treats everyone that she interacts with, with the utmost respect, care, and compassion.
We are available either in-person or via video conferencing. With the assistance of video conferencing we can work with clients from all over Alberta. We are there for you to help with your concerns in the area of Sexual Health and Sex Therapy, Individual and Couples Counseling. We are also able to help you with Assessments for ages 5 and up.
© 2025 Blake Psychological Services Alberta Inc.